Collective receipt

Production > Work order general > WO structure > Collective receipt

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The function collective post-in is available for merged work orders. All assembly items and negative BoM items can be posted at once. There is no material backflushing.


The function is accessible via:

PATH: Production > Work order structure > right-click on production order > Collective receipt.


PATH: Terminal > app "production collective receipt".


If called from work order structure, several work orders can be selected at once.


Batches, automatic batch determination, serial numbers, automatic serial number determination bin location management are supported.

WMS Integration: Produmex WMS Batch attributes are supported.

Serial number reservation is not supported.


The window consists of three sections:

Upper section

Planned receipt

List is adjustable via Right-click > Window settings.

left below

Enter the quantity to post in for the currently selected (above) line

Enter quantity, batch number, batch attributes, and price

right below

Displays already selected items



Window fert_postin_summary_header.psr



1.With cursor up/down the next position from the upper list can be selected.

2.In the left window you can insert additional information such as Quantity, Batch number etc.

3.With the "Apply" button you can choose the position with the defined quantity,

4.With "Booking" you can create the receipt document.


For batches and serial numbers with automatic number generation, only the quantity can be entered, because the numbers are automatically generated when creating the accounting document.

The expiration date is pre-assigned automatically. See Item - batch - shelf life

In production type you can set up whether batches or serial numbers are generally entered manually (enable manual batches). In this case batch numbers always need to be entered  (e.g. for disassembly). see Production type - manual batches


Field descriptions

hmtoggle_plus1Upper list
hmtoggle_plus1Left window
hmtoggle_plus1Right window

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