
Administration > Data Integration Hub > Data integration hub > Import Definition > Extended

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More conditions, sorting and conversions can be defined under the extended information.

PATH: Administration > Data Import/Export > Data Integration Hub > Open Import definition.


Window importkopf_edit.psr


Field descriptions




The source table can be filtered here, that is, the entries to be imported can be limited this way.

In XML-structures, you can define which area of the stored structure is to be imported.



Import only if the item number does not begin with 1 and is not empty.

left(item,1)<>"1" and item<>""

The easiest way to define the filter is using the Preview.


The transfer sequence can be defined here.

Example: Sorting according to source field "item" ascending: "item"

Example: Sorting according to source field "item" descending and "nr" ascending: "item desc, nr asc"


The easiest way to define the sorting is using the Preview.


Groups and Units create

Start Script

BeasScript is executed before the import

Note: The import process does not allow message boxes, prompts or other modal forms, which can block the import process.

End Script

BeasScript is executed after the import

Request Attribute


hmtoggle_plus1XML Attribute definition



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