




You can set the format with



setvar=ls_text=<%var("ls_mystring","format1","format 2",... )>





converts string to date-format


deletes thousand-dot-separator and replaces comma with dot. (for German decimal-format)

<string,space x>

enlarges String to x chars. <abc,space 4> returns "abc ". <abc,space 2> returns "ab"

<string,lefttrimrow xRow xLeft>

Extracts row xRow and trims xLeft chars from the left. The remaining blank spaces from the right are deleted

<string,lefttrim xLeft>

Trims xLeft chars from the left and deletes blank spaces

<string,left xLeft>

returns xLeft chars from the left


Delete all space, tabs, cr_lf and char(160) from left and right site from the string and all "<P></P>" from right side

<string,lasttoken x>

<string,token xToken xTokensign>

<string,right xRight>

returns xRight chars from the right of the string


returns the len from string


<hello world,len> return 11


convert string to lower string


convert string to upper string

<string,mid pos length>

returns a part-sequence of the string


setvar=ls_value=Hello World

messagebox=<ls_value,mid 4 1>

Returns: o

<string,pos x>

gets the position of the first appearance of the character x.

x can be included in "..."

x can be done with char(ascii)



messagebox=<ls_test,pos char(9)> returns 6

<string,default x>

If String=NULL or String=leer then use the default "x"


<column,default hello>: if there is no content of column then returns "hallo"

<string,isnull x>

like default but only if content is "NULL"

<string,padr xtoken=xlength>

fills the String up to "xlength" chars from the left with the token "xToken".



messagebox=<ls_value,padr 0=5>

Return: 00001


if string is date then returns the month


if string is date then returns the week-day


converts CR_LF to RTF-CR_LF


formats string to time in current user-language, e. g. 15 gets  15:00 or 3:00 pm


Convert time to seconds



Formatted a price field in a currency field

e.g. USD 1,234.56 will be USD




Display the ascii-values from string

Exampe <ABC,ascii> return (65) (66) (67)


Trims trailing and leading empty html tags.




<p></p>Hello World to Hello World

Hello<br>World<span></span> to Hello<br>World





Replace all <, > and ' to { } and ´


Replace all <textarea and </textarea to {textarea and {/textarea

<string,html2num x>

This method is to check a numeric value in a string  and return it. The default behavior is to use the decimal system on base 10. It is possible to use a system based on 16 or 2 by using the x parameter. It is highly recommended to use this method to prevent sql injections.




setvar=ls_text=<ls_text,html2num> // 815


setvar=ls_text=Hello World

setvar=ls_text=<ls_text,html2num> // 0



setvar=ls_text=<ls_text,html2num 16> // A100



setvar=ls_text=<ls_text,html2num 16> // 0



setvar=ls_text=<ls_text,html2num 2> // 1100101




replace ` to &#8242;


Convert a url-String to normal String

Replace all %-Placeholder





Hexa dezimal


convert a integer (0-255) in hexadecimal with 2 digits

0 = 00, 5=05, 255=FF...


convert to long hex with 3 Numbers

Example: 255=0000FF, 256 = 000100 and so on

(for coloring in HTML)


convert a Hex-Value to Integer, Example FF = 255

