
Get, Put or Change information  in QC Order Measurement.

You can use Function calls or PUT command.


Some functions available to change measurement- and release information. If you execute one of this function, the system automatically checks if the QC Sample or QC order can be released.


Parallel it is possible to change all values with PUT command. But note: You must set the values in the correct order.


Example: set a value in QC Order 1024, Sample 1, Position 10 with Value 3.4 (international format!)



Every function returns Rest Service:  status 200 for ok  404 for error.

Note: The system checks all defined rules.

Example: Overwrite standard BlockageReason Text:

put QCOrdermesaurement(1407,"1",1)
{"BlockageReasonId":"WrongColor","BlockageReasonText":"This is my own Text"}