
This is the list of available calours you can use:



constant string colorMediumPurple = "MediumPurple"

constant string colorMediumSeaGreen = "MediumSeaGreen"

constant string colorMediumSlateBlue = "MediumSlateBlue"

constant string colorMediumSpringGreen = "MediumSpringGreen"

constant string colorMediumTurquoise = "MediumTurquoise"

constant string colorMediumVioletRed = "MediumVioletRed"

constant string colorMidnightBlue = "MidnightBlue"

constant string colorMediumOrchid = "MediumOrchid"

constant string colorMintCream = "MintCream"

constant string colorMoccasin = "Moccasin"

constant string colorNavajoWhite = "NavajoWhite"

constant string colorNavy = "Navy"

constant string colorOldLace = "OldLace"

constant string colorOlive = "Olive"

constant string colorOliveDrab = "OliveDrab"

constant string colorOrange = "Orange"

constant string colorMistyRose = "MistyRose"

constant string colorOrangeRed = "OrangeRed"

constant string colorMediumBlue = "MediumBlue"

constant string colorMaroon = "Maroon"

constant string colorLightBlue = "LightBlue"

constant string colorLightCoral = "LightCoral"

constant string colorLightGoldenrodYellow = "LightGoldenrodYellow"

constant string colorLightGreen = "LightGreen"

constant string colorLightGray = "LightGray"

constant string colorLightPink = "LightPink"

constant string colorLightSalmon = "LightSalmon"

constant string colorMediumAquamarine = "MediumAquamarine"

constant string colorLightSeaGreen = "LightSeaGreen"

constant string colorLightSlateGray = "LightSlateGray"

constant string colorLightSteelBlue = "LightSteelBlue"

constant string colorLightYellow = "LightYellow"

constant string colorLime = "Lime"

constant string colorLimeGreen = "LimeGreen"

constant string colorLinen = "Linen"

constant string colorMagenta = "Magenta"

constant string colorLightSkyBlue = "LightSkyBlue"

constant string colorOrchid = "Orchid"

constant string colorPaleGreen = "PaleGreen"

constant string colorSlateBlue = "SlateBlue"

constant string colorSlateGray = "SlateGray"

constant string colorSnow = "Snow"

constant string colorSpringGreen = "SpringGreen"

constant string colorSteelBlue = "SteelBlue"

constant string colorTan = "Tan"

constant string colorTeal = "Teal"

constant string colorSkyBlue = "SkyBlue"

constant string colorThistle = "Thistle"

constant string colorTurquoise = "Turquoise"

constant string colorViolet = "Violet"

constant string colorWheat = "Wheat"

constant string colorWhite = "White"

constant string colorWhiteSmoke = "WhiteSmoke"

constant string colorYellow = "Yellow"

constant string colorYellowGreen = "YellowGreen"

constant string colorTomato = "Tomato"

constant string colorPaleGoldenrod = "PaleGoldenrod"

constant string colorSilver = "Silver"

constant string colorSeaShell = "SeaShell"

constant string colorPaleTurquoise = "PaleTurquoise"

constant string colorPaleVioletRed = "PaleVioletRed"

constant string colorPapayaWhip = "PapayaWhip"

constant string colorPeachPuff = "PeachPuff"

constant string colorPeru = "Peru"

constant string colorPink = "Pink"

constant string colorPlum = "Plum"

constant string colorSienna = "Sienna"

constant string colorPowderBlue = "PowderBlue"

constant string colorRed = "Red"

constant string colorRoyalBlue = "RoyalBlue"

constant string colorSaddleBrown = "SaddleBrown"

constant string colorSalmon = "Salmon"

constant string colorSandyBrown = "SandyBrown"

constant string colorSeaGreen = "SeaGreen"

constant string colorPurple = "Purple"

constant string colorLightCyan = "LightCyan"

constant string colorLavender = "Lavender"

constant string colorDarkKhaki = "DarkKhaki"

constant string colorDarkGreen = "DarkGreen"

constant string colorDarkGray = "DarkGray"

constant string colorDarkGoldenrod = "DarkGoldenrod"

constant string colorDarkCyan = "DarkCyan"

constant string colorDarkBlue = "DarkBlue"

constant string colorCyan = "Cyan"

constant string colorCrimson = "Crimson"

constant string colorCornsilk = "Cornsilk"

constant string colorLavenderBlush = "LavenderBlush"

constant string colorCoral = "Coral"

constant string colorChocolate = "Chocolate"

constant string colorChartreuse = "Chartreuse"

constant string colorDarkMagenta = "DarkMagenta"

constant string colorCadetBlue = "CadetBlue"

constant string colorBrown = "Brown"

constant string colorBlueViolet = "BlueViolet"

constant string colorBlue = "Blue"

constant string colorBlanchedAlmond = "BlanchedAlmond"

constant string colorBlack = "Black"

constant string colorBisque = "Bisque"

constant string colorBeige = "Beige"

constant string colorAzure = "Azure"

constant string colorAquamarine = "Aquamarine"

constant string colorAqua = "Aqua"

constant string colorAntiqueWhite = "AntiqueWhite"

constant string colorAliceBlue = "AliceBlue"

constant string colorTransparent = "Transparent"

constant string colorBurlyWood = "BurlyWood"

constant string colorDarkOliveGreen = "DarkOliveGreen"

constant string colorCornflowerBlue = "CornflowerBlue"

constant string colorDarkOrchid = "DarkOrchid"

constant string colorKhaki = "Khaki"

constant string colorIvory = "Ivory"

constant string colorIndigo = "Indigo"

constant string colorIndianRed = "IndianRed"

constant string colorHotPink = "HotPink"

constant string colorHoneydew = "Honeydew"

constant string colorGreenYellow = "GreenYellow"

constant string colorGreen = "Green"

constant string colorGray = "Gray"

constant string colorGoldenrod = "Goldenrod"

constant string colorGhostWhite = "GhostWhite"

constant string colorGainsboro = "Gainsboro"

constant string colorFuchsia = "Fuchsia"

constant string colorGold = "Gold"

constant string colorDarkRed = "DarkRed"

constant string colorDarkSalmon = "DarkSalmon"

constant string colorDarkSeaGreen = "DarkSeaGreen"

constant string colorForestGreen = "ForestGreen"

constant string colorDarkSlateGray = "DarkSlateGray"

constant string colorDarkTurquoise = "DarkTurquoise"

constant string colorDarkSlateBlue = "DarkSlateBlue"

constant string colorDeepPink = "DeepPink"

constant string colorDeepSkyBlue = "DeepSkyBlue"

constant string colorDimGray = "DimGray"

constant string colorDodgerBlue = "DodgerBlue"

constant string colorFirebrick = "Firebrick"

constant string colorDarkViolet = "DarkViolet"