
A PSR file is a special file with the extension PSR created by PowerBuilder, InfoMaker, or DataWindow Designer.

A PSR file contains a DataWindow definition (source and object) as well as the data contained in the DataWindow object when the PSR file was created.





PSR file in view of Beas


All Beas forms use PSR file. If you open a window, you open a PSR file. Beas use standard PSR file + extended functionality, which saved in the PSR file in "Text fields"

While loading Beas analyze the report definition and change all to the current defined skin design.

In a Beas form you can open up to 7 PSR files in one time, which can be overlapped. Example in the MRP view you have different reports: one psr file present the item list, the other the requirements per item and so on.


In Beas we speak about DataWindow, in which a PSR file is saved or DataStore alias resultSet object, if we working only with the retrieved data part


Follow functions available to show PSR Files (example):




To work with resultSet (example):



Create own PSR File


It is possible to create own Beas Forms / PSR file. For this you need a Appeon Product InfoMaker or Powerbuilder.

More about this see Creating windows with Powerbuilder