Work Order Analysis

Beas dashboards > Using the dashboards > Production Analysis > Transit Times Tab > Work Order Analysis

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This grid displays all the work orders that had transit times while being processed, highlighting in stronger red the ones with more transit times. The “Work Order Analysis” grid presents the following information:


a)WO / Position / Operation: Identification of the work order. When double-clicking the “WO” column, Beas automatically opens the structure view for the selected work order, enabling a fast analysis of possible problems;

b)First Start / Last End: Date and time of the first and the last time receipts related to each routing position that presented transit times;

c)Next Op. Start: Date and time in which the next operation (within the same work order position) started, ignoring all the last routing positions as they don’t have a succeeding operation.

If you wish to know which assemblies or resources were related to a specific work order, you just need to click on it and check the results under the Assembly / Top Level Assembly, Transit From / Transit To grids.




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