
Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Calculation > Pre-calculation

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In this section we describe the setup options of the Configuration wizard on Calculation view as well as for valuation methods for batch calculation and assembly valuation at planned costs.

Some settings can be found elsewhere, as well. Many options can be changed in Precalculation. Once changed, the settings made here serve only as default values.

PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Calculation.


Window system_option_struktur






Determines whether the values should be shown per unit​​, per lot size or per fixed amount in Precalculation. For a fixed amount, the amount (e.g. 1000) can be specified in the next line. The view setting can be changed in the calculation.

Show Time by

Displays times in Precalculation in hours or minutes.

Support SAP Bill of Materials







Material Pricing

Select the pricing to be used for valuing the material. (Refers to the material positions)

See Pricing types

Precalculation – Material – Purchase price


Note: Beas only supports price list with numbers 1-99.
Price lists with internal ID > 99 are not supported.

Material pricing 2

Consider special price list

Consider blanket agreement

hmtoggle_plus1   Determines whether existing blanket agreements are considered at pricing.

Validate zero and negative quantities

hmtoggle_plus1   If activated, BoM entries with planned negative or zero quantities are valuated.

Pricing negative Bill of Materials

Determines pricing of material for negative BoM items.

This setting has global effect, and cannot be changed in Precalculation. If special price lists exist, they have higher priority.


Pricing types

Precalculation Material Purchase price

Edit BoM Quantity

Collective receipt


External operation

Pricing for purchase order

See External operation Purchase.

Consider special price list

See External operation Purchase.

External work marg.costs surcharge (%)

External work full costs surcharge (%)

Specifies the full cost and overhead surcharge on external work.
Only provided for compatibility reasons. It is better to use cost types. The surcharge can also be defined here.


Calculation of purchased items

Calculate purchased items

If activated, purchased items are calculated.

A purchased part calculation should not be confused with a purchased part valuation.

A purchased part calculation should be used to calculate price lists (purchase price + surcharges).

Material pricing at calculation of purchase items*

Specifies the pricing of the materials when valuing purchased items, for example batch-calculation.

See Edit batch calculation – pricing purchase parts

Type of Calculation purchased items*

Specifies the calculation type for purchased items

"Make or Buy calculation": Only the costs of the item itself are considered.

"Sum BoM + WO": The stored BoM and routing position is valued. If there is no BoM or routing position, the item itself is calculated as for "Make or Buy".


*displayed only if "Calculate Purchased Items" is activated.

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