
SBO Menu Tools > Protokoll

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All actions are logged and can be viewed here in the protocol. The window is split in two parts. Detailed information on the current entry is displayed below.

There, all error messages are displayed, including the current user, employee, station name etc. The window saves the original document which caused the error.  

The error needs to be checked and confirmed. Click on "OK" in the lower area to do so.  



It only logs significant errors which could lead to problems in financial accounting or in inventory. To prevent the protocol from growing too large, it is cleaned up daily. All "red" messages are deleted after one year, all other messages after 3 months.

An entry can be marked as "edited"; you can enter personal information. Multiple selection is possible.




0=process message


2=error, program cancellation


An entry can be marked as "edited"; this is done in the lower area.


Program part that the entry refers to.


The protocol. In the list the first line of the message is displayed. In the lower part of the window the complete message is displayed. Click on this field to scroll down. The text is not changeable.

Next to the message the following information is logged into the current window:  

a) window title

b) form name (PSR-file name)

c) content of transfer parameter (structure variable)


Below a remark can be entered for the protocol entry. The fields "by" and "at" are set automatically.


Date and time of the creation of the protocol.


Current user at the moment the protocol was created.

Empl. name

Currently logged on employee user at the moment the protocol was created.

Work station

Work station logged on, if WEB-operation: Name of the client if station name was queried.

Remote station

Station name, on which the program runs, Remote access: name of the terminal server.

SAP code

Message code in SAP Business One.

Beas code

Message code in Beas.


The link to the original document (currently work order document or Precalculation) is checked when deleting. If an entry is deleted, and there is no second entry for the same document, the error mark in the original document is removed.

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