Import Production Activities - execute

Financials > Business Performance > Monthly Values > Import Production activities > Import Production Activities - execute

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In this window you can see a preview of production activities to be imported.


PATH: Financials > Business Performance > Monthly Values > Import Production activities > Import button.


Window bab_fert_leist.psr


Production hours per Cost Center (Resources) tab



Cost Center

Cost Center ID


Description of the Cost Center

Sum Time Month/Year

The sum of hours for the selected cost center in the selected month/year.

Sum Marginal Cost

The sum of marginal costs for the selected cost center in the selected month/year.

Sum Full Cost

The sum of full costs for the selected cost center in the selected month/year.


Apply: Click the button to apply changes and execute the import of production activities in the list.


Production hours per Cost Unit (Products) tab

Field descriptions: see above.

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