Absorption Costing - Introduction

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Usage is only possible if "Absorption Costing" for Business Performance is defined in the Beas Configuration wizard.



Business performance - Introduction to Absorption costing


An Introduction to Absorption Costing


Absorption costing is a costing method targeted at distributing manufacturing overheads to the manufactured items and appropriating these costs into inventory, where they will remain until the company sells them. After selling, the products’ costs, now including manufacturing overheads distribution, will be recognized as COGS (Costs of Goods Sold) and affect the Profit & Losses financial statement. It is important to note that, apart from being an extremely useful tool for accurate per-product profits calculation, absorption costing is a mandatory requirement for publicly traded companies who need to follow GAAP and/or IFRS standards, and required by tax laws in the United States, Brazil, and many other countries.

When using absorption costing, the companies book all their manufacturing costs to cost centers, which can be direct or indirect. Direct cost centers represent manufacturing units directly related to production, like production equipment and work centers. Indirect cost centers, on the other hand, can represent either manufacturing units indirectly related to production (such as maintenance, production supervision, and quality control) or cost pools, which are intermediate cost centers that collect multiple costs before a further distribution into other direct or indirect cost centers. Afterwards, distribution rules will set the basis for sharing the costs contained in indirect cost centers across the direct cost centers, which will later be carried over into the products.


However, absorption costing can be an extremely complicated and time-consuming task without a powerful and integrated ERP to support it. In fact, several companies give up on absorption costing or treat it just like a burdensome obligation due to the simple fact that they lack the proper tools to calculate it properly. After all, for absorption costing to be successful, it needs to combine information coming from finance, production, maintenance, and many other departments, which can all have their own systems and require extensive manual work to match an immense amount of data in spreadsheets and input the results into the ERP. Nevertheless, when using Beas Manufacturing, you can be just a few clicks away from accomplishing a full absorption costing process, as it integrates manufacturing data to financial information coming from SAP Business One, automatically calculates the distributions of costs in between cost centers and products, and reevaluate the goods based on their new calculated costs.


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