SQL HANA Converter

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The SQL HANA Converter converts SQL Syntax to HANA Syntax.



Window system_convert_sql.psr




SQL / BeasScript

Define if a Beas script with SQL statements or only a SQL statement must be converted.


BeasScript: Use "for field Names", for example select "OITM"."ItemName"

powerbuilder: Use "for field Names", for example select `OITM`. `ItemCode`


the Beas internal Online HANA/MSSQL Converter replaces this at run time

Use this if the SQL statement is inside '


Example in powerbuilder script:

sqlca.sqlcode("select `OITM`. `ItemCode` from `OITM`",lds)

HANA Script

The translated SQL Script


define corrent upper/lower case

itemcode -> "ItemCode"

this runs with all SAP- and Beas tables, UDF and UDT, not for own define fields outside the SAP System


Insert "

itemcode -> "ItemCode"


replace convert, today and lot of other functions

getdate() -> now()


replace +

itemcode + itemname = "ItemCode" || "ItemName"


Replace MSSQL udf names to HANA udf names

select u_din from oitm -> select "U_besa_din" from "OITM"

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202302/index.html?sql_hana_converter.htm