Key fields

Concepts > Keyfields

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All entries have a key field.

Example: for items the item code, business partner the card code and so on.


A key field must be a unique key.


Upper/lower letters

HANA: Check upper/lower letters. Example: FP123 is not fp123.

MSSQL: Don't check upper/lower letters. Example FP123 is fp123


The system tries to reduce the problem. If FP123 is defined and you insert FP123, the system replaces it automatically to FP123.

Beas does not allow to define same key words width different upper/lower  formats. But the system does not check this in all places.


Special characters

It is only allowed to use follow characters in key fields: 0-9, A-Z, a-z, _!$&/%()[]{}?\*+';:.-^°

But not Unicode, other special signs as ' " = , or spaces.



NYM4,4 --> wrong

NYM4.4 --> correct

NYM 5" --> wrong

NYM 5´´ --> correct


Note: You can insert all signs in the entry description, but not in the key field.




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