WO structure External operation

Production > Work order general > WO structure > WO structure External operation

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Lower level under work order position, entries are displayed with a green icon Ext_OP_icon:



For basic, operation related Right-click menu options see WO structure operation.



Right-click entry


Create purchase order

Create a purchase order for the external operation.

Edit: Purchase order

Edit the Purchase order.


If the operation has linked material, this option is displayed and you can open the External Production - Deliver provisions window.

Provisions XXX: Reopen

Reopen the created provisions document.

Goods receipt from external production

The option appears in the right-click menu only after the provisions document was closed. It is displayed in the right-click menu if there is no material linked to the operation.
Opens the External Production - Goods Receipt XXX window.

Goods Receipt PO XXX

Open the created External Production - Goods Receipt XXX window.

Edit: Goods Receipt PO

Returns: Goods Receipt PO

Issue provision parts

Open the External Production – Issue provision window. This option only appears when material is linked to the operation.


See External production

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202206/index.html?wo-structure-external-operatio.htm