Structure view

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Beas supports special structure views.


On the left, the structure is displayed and on the right the property of the current line is shown. In each line of the structure another object with various properties can be located, that is why the right side of the display may be very different.

Thus, there are no fixed columns, and no universal column header.


Structure windows are: Item structure, Precalculation, Work order structure, Post-calculation


Column width

There are two vertical bars in the column header row which can be shifted to change the width of the columns. Column width is stored by station.



An export of tree views in a column-oriented format such as Excel is not possible because there are no fixed columns. At an export of the current view the error report "(lockedfunc) Function is locked" will be issued. For most views a Crystal Report is available. This can be exported or adapted to own-made needs. Furthermore, objects providing the structure in an exportable view are available.


Window settings

Window settings are partially available. However, this is not where columns are set up; The settings of other properties are accessible here.


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