
MRP > MRP Wizard > Analysis

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The MRP Analysis displays information about the performance statistics of the calculation. It shows the number of calculated table records and the time it takes to run the calculation.


mrp_view_analysis beas 9.3 PL 2 HF 2


If the MRP runs slowly, you can analyze the calculation with this tool. You can see count of records and time used for calculation and can start activities, which you help to make the running the MRP faster.


Performance recommendations

Computation order prosal date





Calculation time from / to

Displays the start and end time of the last calculation process..


Number of items included in the calculation.

Work order Pos (Consume)

Number of work order position entries for breakdown replenishment calculation (only the read process).

(beas 9.3 PL 3: always 0)

Wor order Pos

Number of work order positions included in the calculation.

Pegging and Replenishment > Production > Goods receipt from production

Bill of Material Pos

Number of bill of material positions included in the calculation.


Block size:

If you have to calculate more than 100 000 BoM positions in one scenario, it make sense to calculate this in blocks. In this case please contact BoyumIT support.


Number of purchase orders included in the calculation


Checked reservations in the calculation.


Forcast  and MPS included in the calculation.


Sales order, Pre Invoice, Recurring Sales Orders, Blanked agreement (...)

Expand Structures

Number of expand assemblies included in the calculation.


Sales order with Assembly, Stock and Work order not existing. In this case the system calculate material requirements and duration time. This number display count of items and time for this process.

Result lines

Number of result of lines in the calculation.

This are the number of items in requirement area (inflow and outflow).


Calculate Balance

Time spent to calculate the balance in Inflow/Outflow area (also in per week/month and so on).

Calculate Price

Time spent to read prices from price list.

If this takes too long, it can be disabled in the MRP scenario settings MRP Scenario > Details  tab > Calculation > Price Calculate.

See MRP Scenario


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