Manual stock entry

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory (Stocktaking) > Enter counting: selection > List for enter counting > Manual stock entry

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Window for manual stock entry.  Specific entry fields are made available depending on item and warehouse type. Mandatory fields are displayed in red.



Window mw_inventory_header_stocktaking.psr





Stocktaking ID. (continuous number through all kinds of stocktaking).




Status of inventory: registration, booked, closed.

Pricing for correction posting

Pricing, which is used for difference posting.

Inventory valuation date

Valuation date for this stocktaking. If correction postings are necessary, they will be done by this date.

Account for posting in and issue

If to use another than the standard account, enter the account here.

Correction reference

The entered reference text will appear in correction bookings.

Comment on correction

The entered notes will be added to correction bookings. Beas-place holders are supported e.g. <today> for the date, at which the posting was performed.

Journal remark

Free text

Start date

Time and date, user who started the stocktaking.

Inventory valuation date

Time and date, user who started the last difference posting.

Closed at

Date and user who closed the inventory.


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