
Administration > License

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To use a Boyum product, you need a license.

All licenses are managed in the Boyum portal.


youtube Partner Portal


In the Beas License Administration window you can manage the license inside Beas.



License Types

License Installation

License Administration Beas

License administration questions and answers.


How the license is working:



The license is checked daily. Open the firewall for to allow this check. The license is extended automatically if the fee has been paid at No further steps are necessary.

If Beas cannot establish the connection to the license server, the license has to be updated at least once per month using "License activation without internet access". See offline License


License management per database

Licenses are managed per database and per SAP Business installation number. The configuration per database has to be set up separately. The simultaneous use of a license is limited to a specific number of databases.


Basic License: Simultaneous use, specific User

The basic license is assigned to one user. A user can start Beas on a client (Windows System) several times at once in parallel, but not on different stations.


Support User

The SAP support user has full access but this is only possible if Beas is started within the SAP surface as an Add-On.


Terminal License concept

Terminal License is used by Beas Desktop Terminal and WEB APPS.

A terminal license is by concurrence of users. For more information see Terminal Licence concept.


Beas Services

(BSL, Common Service, Background calculations):

If Beas started as service, the system does not need any license.


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