Shift scheduling

Human Resources > Process information > Shift determination

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Beas supports the following shift systems:


- Fixed allocated shift

- Rotating shift with 2 or 3 shifts

- Automatic shift control

- Automatic shift control with default shifts

- Week-day specific shift allocation

- Manual selection

- Master shift schedule


By default, the shift to be used is stored in the Personnel master.

More settings can be defined in the regular hours.

These are defined in the personnel master under "Regular hours" and can be used for a period to be determined there.


When checking the shift to be used (takes place during logon when clocking), the following procedure applies:


1. Is a shift schedule available under Personnel – Shift schedule for this day?

       If yes, use it, otherwise:

2. Is a shift definition available under Personnel – Shift model?

 If yes, use it according to the rules defined there

3. Is a shift definition available under Personnel?

 If yes, use it, otherwise issue an error message.




Shift Definition

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