Window order Login

Administration > System Initialization > Configuration Wizard > Production > FDC > Window: Work order logon

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PATH: Administration > System Initialization > Configuration wizard > Production > FDC.

Settings here affect Terminal (PC) – "WO logon". See WO logon

No effect on WEB-Apps.




Only current Pool

Logon work order:
Enabled (Default): Only production routings of the current pool are shown. See Pool administration. Disable this option if the display is too slow and the pool function is not required.

(beas 9.2 PL: 04, pool)

Resource manually changeable

If enabled, after WO selection the resource can be selected per bar code or scanner manually.

In other cases: make selection from list. Only resources which are allocated to the employee and to the operation are displayed.

Default: Disabled.

(Variable fdclogonresource

Work order logon: Multiple logon


Enabled: After work order logon you can register the next work order without logging in again.


This option will not be considered if you logon via pool report.


(Note: Until beas 9.1 PL:08 this option was in the "FDC" and has been moved to this area)

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