Day template

Human Resources > Basis data > Day template

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Regular work hours (shifts) may depend on the weekday. These can be stored as a day template which is available as a row in Shift definition. A day template, in turn, is stored to a specific day in the factory calendar.

In this window you can manage day templates. Setup an ID, description and a color.


PATH: Human Resources > Master data > Day Template.


Window bde_tagmuster_browse.psr




In the factory calendar, the day template Mon–Thu is now assigned to the days Monday to Thursday, Fr to Friday and Sa-Su Saturday+Sunday.

In the Shift definition, the day template entries defined here are now available as rows and the working time can be defined separately for each row.



If a day template is inserted as new, all shift definitions need to be reviewed. Open Shift definition, select every definition, edit work times add the new row and click on "update".



Shift definition

Factory Calendar

Structure of a shift


hmtoggle_plus1Special case half day work on December 24th and 31st

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