Batch change routing

Inventory > Routing > Edit routing > Routing positions > Batch change routing

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The batch change routing allows you to change / delete or insert multiple items at once.


The sequence is as follows:

1. Set search criteria according to routing items

2. Select items to be changed / deleted

3. If items are changed / created: define the fields to be changed or

   determine the contents of routing items


Call this function via Master Data - Item Structure - right-click twice - Routing Batch Change.


Select the items to be modified using the selection criteria, then display the results list.



The routing items to be changed must be selected in the results list. Then select "Edited".


Then, select the field to be modified in "Column", and select the new field value in "New Value".


"Start Change" immediately performs the changes.



In the display list, select the routing items to be deleted and then delete them using the "Delete" button. Deletion is permanent and cannot be undone.



Select the items after which a new item should be inserted.

Use "MERGE" to open a new window. Here, you can determine which field should be populated with which content.


Use "Start Merge" to merge the routing items.


help-achtung.zoom69Note the following when merging or changing items:

The entries to be changed / merged are processed from top to bottom.

If you change the "Operation" field, all fields are copied from the operation template.

For this reason, the "Operation" field should always be set first if it is to be changed.


Resources such as tool, parallel resource, alternative resource are not copied and not changed.

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