Alternative Operations


Alternative operations can be defined in the routing.


In this case, for position 10, resource 5113, an alternative position was created for external processing - resource 1800.

This alternative position has its own throughput time.




In this structure view, you can right-click to activate the alternative operation. The same is also possible in APS.

If you click on this routing position, the alternative operation is displayed in the menu.

A utilization display appears simultaneously: Dispatches at planned capacity for the next 8 days (configurable).




To switch to this alternative, click on the bitmap to the right of this.

The resource is swapped and the previous operation is added as a possible alternative.

The utilization is displayed immediately, and the position selected, making it possible to initiate a re—calculation immediately.




help-hinweisWhat is the difference from alternative resources?

Alternative external operations are operation-related, i.e. you can define precisely which alternative resources may be used (e.g. based on the item to be produced). In addition, a different throughput time can be specified for an alternative operation, which is important, e.g. if the alternative resource is not working very productively and so requires a longer throughput time.






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