Customization WO structure view

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The work order structure view cannot be changed with the normal settings and customizations which Beas offers, because different forms are nested.

Each row type (work order, assembly, routing etc.) has its own SQL-statement and output form.


To make possible a limited customization nevertheless, to window settings some options have been added. For BOM and routing additional information can be called from data base. The description can be changed for this line type.

see window settings WO structure view



Extended knowledge is required for customization.

SQL-Template fields must be written in valid SQL syntax, for HANA environments we have to apply HANA sql rules.


Example: display quality control plans in routing. Approach:


Window settings -> Routing -> SQL-Template field1: beas_ftapl.qs_id

Window settings -> Routing -> Description: bez+ '(' + templatefield1 + ')'


Result: in the view the activity is displayed and next to it in brackets, the quality control plan



Example: display current stock in material. Approach: (Query is HANA compatible)


Window settings -> Bill of materials -> SQL-Template field1: cast("OITM"."OnHand" as nvarchar(50))

Window settings -> Bill of materials -> Description: bez + ' (' + templatefield1 + ')'


Result: in the view the activity is displayed and next to it in brackets, the stock of current item



Direct access on the following tables

BOM: beas_ftstl, beas_ftpos, oitm, beas_me

Routing: beas_ftapl, beas_aplatz, beas_ftpos, beas_agtyp, beas_me


Statement needs to return a value of type "char" or "varchar". Other data types need to be converted using convert(varchar(50),[fieldname]).

Sub-Select-statements need to be put n brackets:

(select myfield from [@myTable] where "ItemCode"=beas_ftpos."ItemCode")



There you can determine, what to display as description. Enter in Datawindow-Syntax.

see DataWindow-Syntax


All fields in the window can be accessed. see Debug-Window - "Variable" tab > Button "Local"

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