Material group Details

Administration > Setup > Inventory > Material Group > Surcharges tab > Material group Details

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In the calculation schema different material group-dependent surcharges can be defined for each surcharge object.

In this screen you can store surcharges and account information depending on the material group. These have a higher priority than the ones stored in the Calculation schema.

PATH: Administration > Setup > Inventory > Material Group > Surcharges tab > Details function.



Window basis_materialgruppe_zuschlag_edit.psr


Field Description



Marginal costs (fixed)

Fixed surcharge at marginal costs Calculation objects.

Full costs (fixed)

Fixed surcharge at full costs.

Marginal costs (%)

Surcharge on the marginal cost rate.

Full costs (%)

Surcharge on the full cost rate.

Account marginal costs

Account marginal costs Calculation objects – Accounts.

Account fixed costs

Account fixed costs.

Account full costs

Account full costs.



Costing objects

Surcharges tab

Calculation schema

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