
Expand/Collapse Toggles


Available for WEB










Logoff from attendance.


Not available with basic license. You can use Logon and logoff instead.


Notes on Leaving

Leaving is possible only if the employee registered his arrival before.

hmtoggle_plus1Attendance with a duration with more than 22 hours is interpreted as "forgot to logoff"


If the employee logs of then, a message "attendant too long"is issued. The employee is logged off, and a remark "too long" is added to his attendance entry.

See Configuration wizard - Time evaluation - automatic logoff


Automatic logoff from the logged work orders

If in the Configuration wizard "Time-linking" on "Shift definition + Attendance" is set, the employee does not have to logoff his current orders.



Depending on the application, the message is extended or short. In WEB-applications only short messages are issued.

Possible messages:

Short text

Long text



Card not valid

Personnel data for (..) could not be loaded

Wrong ID or error at loading personnel data, employee not active or discharged


Date area blocked

The current month for (...) was blocked in monthly quota

You can block time domains in Personnel > Monthly. See Personnel Master data – Monthly quota. Logon and logoff is not possible for this time domain.


Not logged on

(...): You are not logged on - that why logoff is impossible.

Before logging off the employee needs to logon first. The messages is issued, if you try to logoff without having logged on before.


open orders

(...): You are logged on to work orders. Please close these first.

If order logon is allowed only during attendance, before leaving, all running work orders need to be closed. Otherwise, this message will be issued.


See Configuration wizard – Logon/Logoff rules


Wrong setting

(...): For you, the current shift could not be determined. Please let check the shift settings and factory calendar.

An error occurred at shift determination. Check personnel data.


Outside flextime

(...): Logoff outside of flextime. You flextime starts at <...> and ends at <...>. Please refer to the office.

In Hour rules you can set up, that logon is possible only during work time according to Shift definition. If this is enabled, this messages will be issued. To logoff, the employee needs to ask personnel office to change his time entry manually.

See Hour rules – extended


SQL error

Error writing attendance

This can happen only, if the employee did not log of for more than 22 hours and the automatic logoff has not been disabled.

An error occurred at saving the entry.


Note: Until Beas 9.1 PL: 05 the message stated: "please retry"


Too long attendant

(...): You are logged on more than 22 hours. Please refer to the office.

Employee is logged on for more than 22 hours. He will now be logged off automatically. The entry will be for 0 minutes and an error remark will be added. For settings and notes see: Configuration wizard – Time evaluation – automatic logoff




See Personnel

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202106/index.html?logon_logoff.htm