Logon / Logoff

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Time Recording, Clock In Out



With this app it is possible to monitor attendance and log on / off the Terminal. See basic functions in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.

The app consists of a message field on top and two tabs below it: Status and History.


hmtoggle_plus1  Status tab


History tab

The History tab lists the last login times in a chronological order with the most recent on top. Start / End Times and the Duration are indicated for each login in the list.

Start / End times are provided in mm/dd/yyyy and format, and duration is displayed in hh/mm/ss.
It is possible to reverse the chronological order of logins with the Logon_reverse_listbutton in the right side of the "Start Time" column.



Field Descriptions



Start Time

dd/mm/yyyy 0-12h AM/PM format for attendance starting time.

End Time

dd/mm/yyyy 0-12h AM/PM format for logoff time


Time elapsed between start and end time in hours and minutes.


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202106/index.html?login_logout.htm