Bin location correction

Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory (Stocktaking) > Enter counting: selection > List for enter counting > Bin location correction

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If the stock of an item is correct, but the item is on the wrong bin location, this can be corrected here. To enable this feature, in list for counting entry the column "new bin" needs to be activated (see window settings). Now the correct bin location can be entered or selected using the right mouse button. The entry is then marked as "counted". If previously no count had been entered, it is set to the system stock.

Posting process: if a difference exists between system stock and counted stock on the given bin location, it is booked. If the difference is correct, or if there has been no differences, then the transfer to the specified bin location  is performed. This bin location transfer is displayed in the item movement protocol and has the inventory number as document number and the reference text of the inventory. During this transfer process, no SAP document is created.

If the transfer was carried out correctly, the current bin location is displayed in green. This is considered as a mark that a bin correction has taken place.



Posting-in, material is valued according to inventory settings. Only prices >0 are considered.


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