WO post-calculation

Production > Work order general > WO structure > FA Nachkalkulation _2

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In this window you can set up parameters for a single post-calculation.

PATH: Production > Work Orders > Work orders list tab > right-click menu > Button post calculation.

See WO structure.



Window fert_naka_auswahl.psr




Document number

Document number of the selected work order.

Work order

Work order number.


Position number.

Actual / Plan

Check mark: activates Actual/Plan – comparison.


Valuation to

Selection from valuation methods (according to configuration wizard).

Resource cost rate

Determines which cost rate to use to value resources.

Default: no entry=planned and actual values are used.

If a cost rate is selected, planned and actual values valued at the selected cost rate. See Cost rates



Used calculation schema.

Valuation price date (period)


Only costs from the selected valuation dates (period) are calculated.

Purchase order valuate

If this switch is enabled, purchase orders are considered as actual costs. (No need to wait for Purchase invoice).

Material Planned costs

Activate radio box consider material as planned costs.



Button / Menu



By clicking start, the work order is re-calculated and displayed. See: WO post-calculation – Results.

Save settings

The current settings are saved for the current user and can be re-used.

Function is only accessible via right-click.

Window settings

Access on relevant settings of the configuration wizard (except from post- calculation area). There are settings that cannot be set up per calculation. These settings apply for all users and can be accessed also via Configuration wizard > calculation > post calculation.


Click on Start to perform a final costing for the work order. The result can be viewed.


Note: Tool costs are not taken into account in post-calculation.



Post-calculation Concepts

WO post calculation – result


Configuration wizard – Calculation – Post-calculation


back to work order structure


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202106/index.html?kalkulation4.htm