
Administration > Data Integration Hub > Data integration hub > Import Definition > Extended

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PATH: Administration > Data Import/Export > Data Integration Hub > Open Import definition.

More conditions, sorting and conversions can be defined under the extended information.


Window importkopf_edit.psr





The source table can be filtered here, that is, the entries to be imported can be limited this way.

In XML-structures, you can define which area of the stored structure is to be imported.



Import only if the item number does not begin with 1 and is not empty.

left(item,1)<>"1" and item<>""

The easiest way to define the filter is using the Preview.


The transfer sequence can be defined here.

Example: Sorting according to source field "item" ascending: "item"

Example: Sorting according to source field "item" descending and "nr" ascending: "item desc, nr asc"


The easiest way to define the sorting is using the Preview.


Groups and Units create

Start Script

Script is executed before the import

End Script

Script is executed after the import

Request attribute


hmtoggle_plus1XML Attribute definition



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