Beas common service

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The functionality of beas common service

- print asynchronously (Example WEB Application)

- create all SAP transaction asynchronously (Example WEB Application)

- simple interface to third applications.



Idea of asynchronous working

If lots of clients are working parallel with SAP Transaction on one SAP Table, it does not work because SAP must lock the database for every transaction.

This working tends to get unstable causing long waiting time for clients.





In the Beas common service work is carried out with a Stack. Every service sends the transaction command in this stack.

The Beas common service executes this in SERIAL and not PARALLEL.


This does not create deadlocks or an overload of the database and results in stable execution.

The worker does not need to wait for a response and can continue since the web service does not execute the transaction itself.


The Beas common service sends the answer (good, docentry number, error message etc.) in an answer stack.

The client can check if an answer is available at any moment, and can display it in the window (= synchronous working).




In Beas you can see the current stack in the Beas common dashboard.



To open the Beas common dashboard from Beas manage server, click on the configuration Icon see image below.



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