Batch/Serial Inv. Info

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Batch_Serial_Info_02_Beas Terminal v2.1


Optimized for Zebra Scanner


Browser Support

Barcode Support


beaslogo License

Material Management (Issue, Receipt, Allocation)

Warehouse Support

SAP Bin Management

Beas Bin Management

WMS Bin Management


With this app it is possible to get "stock-on-Warehouse" information for batches and single serials.

The app consists of two tabs: Batch/Serial tab and Inventory tab.
See basic functions in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.


Batch/Serial tab

Search in: select Batches or Serials before selecting an item to retrieve information on it. See image above.

The listed item(s) will be displayed with ItemNo, ItemName and Batch/Serial number information.

When selecting an item, the tab switches to the Inventory tab.
This field supports GS1-128 bar code scanning.


Inventory tab



The inventory tab displays the Stock and Warehouse information for the selected batch/serial.
In the example (see image above) we searched for the Inventory information of a specific batch of purchase item - batchnum! "3117159"
According to the search result, the batch contains 17 items in Warehouse 01.

Note: the same batch can be located in more than one warehouse simultaneously.


Field Descriptions



Batch/Serial Number

This field displays the selected batch/serial number.

Click on the batch_serial_extended button to open a list of further attributes on the selected batch/serial in another screen named "Extended information". The attribute fields in this app are only for information purposes. The information is directly called from the Item master and is non-editable (in "issue mode"). See the different modes.


Displays the stock level of the batch/serial-managed item in inventory UoM.


The warehouse where the batch/serial item is found.

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