Capable-to-Promise (CTP)

Sales - AR > Quotation, Sales order > Capable-to-Promise (CTP)

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With the Capable-to-Promise, the expected delivery date can be determined based on forward resource-scheduling and consideration of existing resource reservations.

This function is only available with active APS License.


hmtoggle_plus1 What does Capable-to-Promise System (CTP System) mean?

hmtoggle_plus1The difference between Available-to-Promise (ATP) and Capable-to-Promise (CTP)


For Configuration See Configuration Wizard > Sales.


PATH: Sales – A/R > Sales Order/Sales Quotation > right-click on an item > select "Capable-to-Promise".


Window atp_view.psr

The Beas CTP:

- Creates a forward calculation for the assembly.
- Checks availability of resources and material for the complete order-related sub-structure of the assembly.

- Displays the possible delivery date.
- Displays material- and resource information needed for this assembly.


What you need for using CTP:

APS License
Correct planning data inside the system
Actual MRP


hmtoggle_plus1 Limitations


Before you start:

CTP can deliver correct information only if all data are correct.

Define a default MRP (see Configuration wizard) and calculate this every day.

Calculate work orders in APS every in day and use forward calculation. If resource reservations are in the past, the result cannot be correct.

hmtoggle_plus1 The CTP working process:

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