Item Batch Changes

Inventory > Item report > Item Batch Changes

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The item batch change function enables changes to several properties in one go.


The sequence is as follows:

1. Setting of search criteria, dependent on item numbers

2. Selecting the item number to change

3. Defining the fields and properties to change, respectively


Call this function via Master Data > Item Structure > right-click twice > select item batch change.

Select the items to be modified using the selection criteria, then display the result list.



The items to be changed have to be selected in the result list. Then select "Edited".

Then, select the field to be modified in "Column", and select the new field value in "New Value".


Changes are possible for the following fields:


- Unit Inventory

- Unit BOM

- Item Group

- Profit Center

- Primary Inventory

- Lot Size for Calculation

- Calculation Template


"Start Change" immediately performs the changes.


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