Time Reservation (APS)

Production > Capacity Planning, APS > Work with APS > Time Reservation (APS)

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If a production order is dispatched, times are reserved for it.


Note the following in this case:


The throughput time is calculated to the minute.

The reserved times are saved to the minute but are only considered to the day.


You can perform planning to the minute using the graphical view.


However, APS also offers user-friendly calculation formats such as resources, which consist of

multiple persons/machines and can be planned in any way without time-consuming, detailed planning.

Note particularly: Resource allocation and the function Expansion and Compression.

A plan accurate to the minute would have a very negative effect in many application cases.



Example 1 (Planning to the day):


Two orders with the same start date and same resource are dispatched in parallel.


Day 1

Order 1



Order 2



If sufficient resources are available, both orders have exactly the same throughput.

If a plan accurate to the minute is required, Beas offers the necessary tools

See Resource-optimized Detailed Planning).


Example 2:


For day 1 + 2, multiple time reservations already exist through other orders


An order with 6 hours should now be dispatched (o). The (x) represents time reservations of other orders.

The dispatch is performed as follows – based on the throughput time. The "Bind operation" option is deactivated in the calculation settings. Planning to the day:


Day 1                Day 2                Day 3

|xxx-xxxx|        |xx-xxxxx|        |xxx-----|

|o-------|        |o-------|        |oooo----|


Same example, but "Bind operation" is activated


Day 1                Day 2                Day 3                Day 4

|xxx-xxxx|        |xx-xxxxx|        |xxx-----|        |--------|

|--------|        |--------|        |ooooo---|    |o-------|


Same example, but as detailed planning


Day 1                Day 2                Day 3                Day 4

|xxx-xxxx|        |xx-xxxxx|        |xxx-----|        |--------|

|--------|        |--------|        |---ooooo|    |o-------|




Example 3 (Planning to the day):


1. Order resource allocation set to 200%, only 1 machine, work sequence with 8 hours. No other time reservations.

2. Order normally 8 hours


Day 1                Day 2

Order 1

|xxxx----|        |--------|


Order 2

|--------|        |xxxxxxxx|


The second order is only dispatched on the second day, as on the first day the first order consumes the full resource (4 hours * 200% = 8 hours).

This example illustrates the problem with planning to the minute. For this reason, planning to the minute is only possible in the graphical display.


Example 4 (Detailed planning):


3 identical orders with the same start date


Day 1                Day 2

|aaaa----|        |--------|

|----bbbb|        |--------|

|--------|        |cccc----|


Not only are the resource limits and the times of the dispatched orders considered here, but the start and end dates of the dispatched times also.


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?zeitreservierungen.htm