WO document master data tab

Production > Work order general > Work order document > WO document master data

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Production > Work Orders > Open Work order document

The Master Data tab contains the basic information for the work order, like customer information, priority, linking to projects, observations, and its scheduling dates.


Window fert_fthaupt_edit.psr





All customer production orders should either be created through Sales order to production or through the MRP run. This field is automatically filled if the work order is created from a sales order.

If a work order is created without a customer reference, the value as per Configuration Wizard > Production > Create > Default Name is entered here.

Note: The customer can be a vendor or Lead, as well.

Name, Street .. Country

Customer address taken from master data


Priority of the work order. It has precedence over a priority set in the Item Master. Sorting and filtering according to priority can be done in the Assemblies tab. For more information, see Priorities that can be set in the Configuration Wizard.


Only active, valid and not blocked projects can be selected.

Note: If other project references are entered on an assembly level, they have higher priority.


Define with which project task the WO is to be linked to.


Note: A work order can only be assigned to one branch and all warehouses used in the production process have to be assigned to the same branch. This is checked by the program.



Text information.


Status is for information purposes only, and is displayed in several lists. Use the icon on the right to manage statuses. See Status.


Delivery Date

Delivery date of the work order. If the work order is created from a sales order, a certain number of work days are subtracted from the delivery date of the production order, according to the settings, and the date is entered as the delivery date.  A security buffer can be defined in Configuration Wizard à Materials Management > MRP Wizard > Calculation > Average Lead Time.

For manual work orders, the delivery date must be entered manually.

Start Time

If the work order is scheduled, the calculated start date is displayed there. A change in the start time has no influence on the calculation.

If the work order is not scheduled automatically, the planned start time can be entered here.

End time

If a work order is scheduled, the calculated completion time is displayed there. A change in the time has no effect on the calculation.

If the work order date is not scheduled automatically, the planned end time can be entered here.

Last message

Displays the date when the last Time Receipt was created using the Field Data Capture function.

HUDF1 ...4

Four additional, optional fields can be defined in Configuration Wizard > Production > Display > Work Order.





Close Document

If active, the work order is closed.

From calculation

Open the list of the available precalculation.


Dispatch the order and the required resources.

Product Costing Analysis

Opens the post-calculation window.

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?womasterdata.htm