Bill of Materials – Extended

Production > Work order general > Work order document > WO document positions > Edit Work Order Position > Bill of Materials tab > Bill of Materials Detail > Bill of Materials - Extended

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In the "Extended" tab you can edit additional information for the WO BOM position.


PATH: Production > Work orders > Open work order > Work order document "Positions" tab > Open selected work order position > "Bill of Materials" tab > Open WO BoM position > "Extended" tab.


Window fert_ftstlpos_edit.psr


Master Data information



Match code


Material group

Selected material group

Raw material

Selected raw material




Project link. Display from work order item. Read only.


Refers to project tasks. Can be used to link the material item to a project task.

Delivery date

Planned delivery date. Only info.


Using this bar code, the item is determined. In various posting screens the BOM item can be selected directly using this number.
See Goods receipt


Variant (from assembly)


Configuration ID (from assembly)

Issue remains

Charge-off batch stock from a quantity

See item - edit BOM

Only reservation booking

Post only reserved items.

See item - edit BOM


Stored Image.


Stored Color.


Already posted quantity.


Already posted quantity.

Don't post scrap

Check box to set not to post scrap



Only displayed with sub-assemblies.


no: the sub-assemblies is not produced


always: the subassembly is inserted into the work order with the specified requirement quantity. Inflow is treated as order related inflow. Manufacturing lot size is not considered.


only shortage: a subassembly is created only in case that the requirement for the work order cannot be covered from stock. For this purpose, stock will be reserved for the work order.


Note: To determine the shortage, it is necessary to work with the reservation system.
Receipt reservation only at = always
Sub-assemblies reserve = always



Example: in stock 10, requirement 50.  For the work order, 10 are reserved firmly, the  subassembly is created for 40. Other work orders cannot access this reserved stock. These 10 pieces can also not be issued or used by other operations.


Note: This option is only available in master data, and only for items with breakdown Id "storage related". If the work order is created from a calculation, this option has no effect.

Breakdown with Variant

If you define a short variant (A-Z), the system uses this for complete order-related sub-structure

With this flag you can overwrite the Short variant Information from previews level


This field is only visible if the Item of this Bill of Materials position is an order-related assembly.




Sales Order A001 with Variant B

BOM SubA002 (order related Item) "Breakdown with Variant" = empty


In this case the system uses Variant B for breakdown "SubA002"


Sales Order A001 with Variant B

BOM SubA002 (order related Item), "Breakdown with Variant" = C


in this case the system uses Variant C for breakdown "SubA002"


beas 9.3 PL 2

issue batch remains

Only visible for batch related items.

Refers only to backflushing function or the function "issue material".

Here you can specify whether the remaining quantity of a batch can be issued. The starting quantity is specified here.


Example of use:

15 liters are required, 15.02 liters are on stock. Specify: issue remains from 0.1 liters. Then, in the backflushing process remaining stock of 0.02 liters is issued, as this can not be used anymore.


Numbers are given in warehouse units, as referring to inventory.

In Configuration wizard > Production > backflushing you can set up, to issue only once at final posting (for example when the completion of a work order is reported) or at every posting.


In work order structure in material row a red dot will be displayed next to the planned quantity, after a value was entered here.



Backflushing function beas2009-version is not supported.

see Configuration wizard - Material booking - backflushing


If a batch is located on several bins this could lead to problems.

A batch may only be booked to one BOM position.

Example: is is not allowed to post the same item batch on BOM position 10 and 20. Such a constellation could lead to problems.


There may be no further reservation on this batch remaining inventory. If there is a reservation, nothing will be issued.


The remaining quantity is posted to the WIP-account of the work order. A separate posting for the remains is generated. Costs are set in to the work order in the post calculation.




Only reservation booking


Refers only to the function "material issue" / "backflushing (not beas2009-Version)" to the function "pre-assign" See Material posting - pre-assign. Manual issue function is not supported. Any quantity can be issued manually.


Function is supported only if the reservation function was not disabled.

See Configuration wizard - Production - Reservation



Don't post scrap

If this option is enabled, the scrap or offcut indicated for this position will not be taken into account.


Example of use:

Production position Quantity100, Scrap/Offcut 10
100 pieces in the package

In BOM next to components the packaging size can be indicated. Scrap shall not refer to packaging but only to the components.

In this case enter: 1 package per 100 pieces, Activate "Do not post scrap"



Planning method

hmtoggle_plus1Determines whether the planned material issue or receipt is displayed in MRP.

Setup options:


automatically: Item is considered and displayed in MRP.

none: Item is not considered in MRP



In case of assembly, the switch affects only the assembly, not its material.


This setting has no effect on work order creation, only on MRP.


If the work order is created from a calculation, this option is set to "automatic" by default. It can be changed manually.



beas 9.1 PL: 08, Field stl_planingsysnosubmaterial


At BOM import normally  all entries in the bill of materials are deleted completely and then re-imported.
But with the field "synchronization"  this behavior can be manipulated.


There are three different states that can be set. Yes, do not delete and no


yes (0, delete and import*): Position will be deleted before the import. The position will be deleted if the position will be imported again or not.

do not delete (1, synchronization on...): Position will not be deleted before an Import, but it can be overwritten, if there is an Import position with the same Position-number.

no (2, do not synchronize): Position will not be deleted and cannot be changed. That means once the position is imported it stays unchanged. A new import will not delete or change the Position. If an new import contains a position with this status set and there is already a position with this position-number, it will be imported with a new number.
Warning: Using this status requires careful attention.

(*= Numbers and explanations are for the "Data Integration Hub")


Attention: The behavior of this flag is always related to the position in the list.

See Integration Hub

Icon / Color

Determine the icon and color of the BOM position to be displayed.

Receipt / issue

Only production: display the booked quantity.

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