Window settings - Details

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You can make further window settings in this editing window.


PATH: Window settings > "Extended" button


Window system_col_detail.psr


If "Change System settings" is enabled, detailed settings can be overwritten.

Column Name

Name of column (usually table name and table field)

Change System settings

Enable this field to overwrite all default settings (e.g. description, color etc.). All changes, extensions and corrections will be available after program update. There may be some restrictions in upward compatibility. The respective fields are marked with a  "LOCK" – Icon.

If this field is disabled, (default) no fields in this screen can be changed.


Text to be displayed


e.g. oitm_itemcode + oitm_itemname

or oitm_itemcode+case (left(oitm_itemname,1) when 'A' then ' A-Group' else '').

See Datawindow-Syntax

youtube Insert formula fields in pool report


Direct entry of width. The result is displayed on the right.


Field visible? Can only be activated if "activation allowed" was enabled.

Visible Formula

Enter a formula to be displayed.



When active, the system does not  save the changes, or it can produce bad mirror effects if you change the value of this field.

Warning messages are prompted before saving changes for this parameter Beas2020.03.

The Beas Standard solution does not check the changes and does not update the database.

Activation allowed

Determines whether the field "changeable" may be activated.

Note: This does not mean the change is saved – only entries without functions are allowed.


Determines the alignment.


Determines the format. For further information see beasscript-Documentation.

Color, Bold, Italic

Color, Bold, Italic

Color Formula

Example: Red if stock is negative, otherwise green:

if (oitm_onhand<0,rgb(255,0,0),rgb(0,128,0))

To hide a text field, use an invisible font color.

Example: invisible, in case of stock=0

if (oitm_onhand=0,unvisible,0)

See datawindow-syntax

Text Sorting

affects the behavior after right-click on the column header:

Standard: column firmly linked to data base. Filter and sorting via SQL statements possible.

DW-Sort: column is not firmly linked to data base. Sorting and filtering is allowed using the  Datawindow-Sort/Filter-Function. Only displayed values are considered.

Only Text: no sorting or filtering

Cross Reference

An orange arrow is displayed. By clicking on it, the entered script is executed.
Example: open item window





select valuecolumn,displaycolumn from table ..

All values need to be of type "Char"


value=display,value=display ...



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