Warehouse Stock

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Material Management (Issue, Receipt, Allocation)

Warehouse Support

SAP Bin Management

Beas Bin Management

WMS Bin Management


With this app it is possible to get physical Warehouse information together with detailed Inventory within the selected warehouse.

The app consists of two tabs: Warehouse tab and Inventory tab.
See basic functions in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.


hmtoggle_plus1Warehouse tab

After selecting a warehouse, the app displays the following information:



Field Descriptions

Field / displayed information



Tapping on the magnifying glass opens the Warehouse search screen displaying a list of warehouses with WhsCode and WhsName. Upon selection, the warehouse code is indicated in the field.

Bin Location

Tapping on the magnifying glass opens the Location search screen with filtering option. The indicated information are Location codes with Description and available stock.

Warehouse Information

Displays status, inventory count and physical dimensions of the selected Warehouse.

Location Information

When selecting a Bin Location, the "Location Information" section also appears under the Warehouse Information

Active / Inactive

Shows if warehouse/bin locations are active Whs_active (having inventory, used in orders) or inactiveWhs_inactive .

Inventory: XX

the Warehouse/Location information section shows the available stock in the selected warehouse / bin location


The width dimension of the warehouse provided in meters.


The length dimension of the warehouse provided in meters.

Weight/Volume xx / yy

In the example above, the current weight/volume is 0. In case of SAP bin locations, the system always displays zero (0). In the image above total weight on shelf is 25kg and total volume is 25dm2

hmtoggle_plus1Inventory tab

The Inventory tab displays stock information for the selected Warehouse. It is possible to filter inventory by Item Number, Item Name and Batch/Serial number.
The displayed inventory information then provides details on Stock (quantity), unit of measure, Item Number, the descriptive Item Name and Batch/Serial number:




Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?whs__inv__information.htm