help-zahnrad Raw Material

Administration > Setup > Inventory > Raw Material

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The raw materials of an Item can be stored here. Raw materials serve as information. If different units of quantity are used, the density information can also be read from the raw material.

PATH: Administration > Setup > Inventory > Raw material.


Raw Material info defines the raw materials of an item.


In the Raw Material definition you can define the Raw Material Id, the Description, Density, up to 4 Properties and a price.

Access: Edit Raw Material, License: Basic License, Windows setting are supported.


You can define the raw material in the item master data and bill of materials position.


Window basis_wst_browse.psr


Example for Raw Material:

A sheet of metal is made of aluminum or iron.

A pipe is made of plastic or stainless steel.


Used for

Work order Variant system: Define Raw Material by formula.
Work order Variant system: Define Machine: permitted number of rpm .
Calculation: Calculate price by Raw Material (own formula system).
Work order report: Report additional properties for example Melting temperature.
Conversion between the units of quantity if the density stored in the raw material is required for this. See Unit of Measurement – Conversion.


hmtoggle_plus1Example: Pipe in a Bill of Materials Position

Inventory UoM is kg

Consumption is Pcs with length, height and width.







((length *  od * pi()^2)  - (length * id * pi()^2) ) * density


For more information see Unit of Measures.


Field Description



Raw Material

Raw material – ID.


Description of the material.


Specific density. It can be used e.g. to convert from warehouse unit to consumption unit (weight where applicable).

If density is defined in item master, the field is hidden in raw material administration. This is set up in Configuration wizard.


Define Group definition (without additional functionality).


Define up to 4 UDF's.


Define up to 4 Properties.


Define a price.


Several additional fields as UDF, properties, price etc. can be set up via window settings.



Data record selection

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