Precalculation Controls

Sales - AR > Precalculation > Edit Precalculation > Precalculation Controls

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Expand/Collapse Toggles

The main functions for precalculation can be called with the button bar in the header.

The following tabs are available:




Edit the current calculation (add, change, delete, etc.)


View functions (lot size, view by chose quantity, full / marginal costs, etc)


Valuation, Calculation, Import


PATH: Sales – A/R > Precalculation > Open precalculation.


Window pk_struktur.psr


hmtoggle_plus1Processing tab

Controls for editing the calculation.




Edit the currently selected item (corresponds to double click on an item or push button "open entry")


Special feature: When editing the first entry, the window for calculation details opens.

This option is disabled if the calculation was called from item  master.

Insert Item

Opens a item selection window. The items selected  (and possibly their substructure) are inserted at the current position.

New assembly

Insert a new assembly, which does not yet exist in the item master.

New material

Insert a new purchase part, which does not yet exist in the item master.

Create operation

Insert new operation


Cut the selected position and its substructure. It will remain as long as it is not inserted at a new location.


Copy the selected position and its substructure.


Insert the previously cut or copied position.


hmtoggle_plus1 Delete row, structure or calculation

Cursor on first row

If the cursor is on the first row, the complete calculation is deleted.


Deletion is prevented if:


- there is a reference ( via reference number) to a sales order or to a quotation

- calculation is linked to a work order position

- the variable "e_kalkdel" was set to "N"

- windowevent userdel returns "return failure" or sets the variable "value" to -1


Before deletion there is a double security query


Cursor on a different row:

Current row or its substructure is deleted.


Recalculate the entire calculation.


hmtoggle_plus1Tab View

Controls for the view:




Expand structure


Minimize structure

View Default/Extended



Window pk_struktur.psr


Toggle between standard and extended view. Function is only available if "calculation schema per assembly" has been activated in the calculation schema.
The default view displays standard calculation without showing additional costs.

The extended view displays the results that were deposited in the calculation schema in the "View" tab. For more information see Pre-calculation Extended view.


youtube Calculation per assembly webinar .

Full / Marginal Costs

Toggle between full and marginal costs. Only available in Default view.

Lot size

View / Calculate at lot size (toggle between 4 different lot sizes).

Inactive visible/invisible

Show/hide inactive calculation objects

View per Lot Size

What is a Lot size?



In Beas we have 2 different lot sizes:

Production lot size: Maximum lot size for production (inventory UoM)

Calculation lot size: The average lot size for price calculation, e.g. for using in batch calculation (inventory or production UoM)


See Item Master Data - Advanced Production


The lot size can be defined in Production UoM or inventory UoM.



- "Calculation lot size" is the default lot size for the calculation.

- "Production lot size" is the maximum lot size and is relevant for the calculation of fix costs.



The production lot size  affects:

- Setup times in a Bill of materials position.

- Fixed times (Quantity per = 0) in routing positions.

- Fixed surcharges.

- Purchase prices (special price list).

- Price per lot size


In sub-components the calculation uses the production lot size. If you activate Configuration wizard > Production > Create > Sub-assemblies: Consider production lot size, the system uses the production lot size defined in the sub-component, otherwise the lot size of the main item.



Routing position 10 Min setup time, 5 Min Mach+Labor time

Lot size calculation: 100, Production: 0 (ignore it)


Cost  = 10 Min + 100* 5 Min = 510 Minutes * cost rate



Lot size calculation: 100, Production: 30

In this case we must calculate the production 30 + 30 + 30 + 10 = 4 times.


Cost = 4*10 Min + 100*5 Min = 540 Minutes * cost rate




Working with sub assemblies

If consider Sub Assemblies is activated, the system split the subassemblies too


Example: Production 40 Pcs, Lot size 30 Pcs
Sub assembly is order related, Production lot size = 0 Pcs (no lot size)
In this case we working work order position related.


If order related sub assembly has own lot size, the system check this too - but always per production level from father item

Example : Lot size 20 Pcs


In this case the setup time will be multiplicated with 4 in the sub assembly


2. Example for order related sub assembly:

-Main and Subitem are order related,  the lotsize of the main item is 50
-We need the subassembly 2 times per main item, the lotsize of the Subitem is 90
-We want to produce 140 Units of the main item



-We need to produce 3 lots for Mainitem (50 + 50 + 40)
-For the first and second lot of the mainitem we need 2 lots of the subitem (90 + 10)
-For the last lot of the mainitem we need 1 lot of the subitem (80)


Stock related

if Sub assembly is stock related, then the sub assembly ignore the lot size from father assembly


if stock related sub assembly has own lot size, then the system use it without relation of lot size of father item.


This is working differently than in Beas 2020.11 or older. If you need the old functionality, you can change this in a user event. See Script documentation.


Work order

If the work order is created by "Sales order to Production order", Beas Object, Beas Service Layer or Integration Hub, the system automatically checks the production lot size on main level and in sub-level only if you activate Configuration wizard > Production > Create > Sub-assemblies: Consider production lot size.


Note: If you activate "Consider Lot size production", the calculation in MRP can take longer.



youtube Working with Lots size




A calculation can be calculated simultaneously in a maximum of 4 lot sizes. The default lot size is the calculation lot size as per the item master - Calculation.

If the calculation is called up from a quotation or an order, the quantity stored there is the lot size.


This is the maximum individual quantity that can be produced without interruption.



View per

With "View per" you can define, for which count you want to see the price.


Example 1:

You must create a quotation for 1, 10, 50 and 100 and need the price per 1.

1. Define Lot size 1,10, 50 and 100

2. Define View per to 1

Now you can display the cost per 1 for different quantities.


Example 2:

You have a max. lot size for 100 Pcs and must create a quotation for 1000 Pcs and you need the total price for 1000

1. Define Lot size 100

2. Define View per to 1000

Now you can the the total costs for 1000
In this case the system multiplicity the setup times, fix times and fix surcharges with 10, because you must produce this product 10 times to deliver 1000 Pcs.


Switching between lot sizes and view


Change Lot size

- in calculation view on text "Lotsize" (1)

- in tab "view" - Lotsize (2)

Change View

In tab "view" click on

- (3) "View per Lot size": display always total costs by lot size

- (4) "View per x": you can insert the count of Pcs, for which you see the price, example "1" means: Display the price per Pcs.



If the subassembly has a lot size, too, this will be considered under following conditions:

Expand / Reduce

Expand / reduce view


hmtoggle_plus1Tab Functions

Precalculation_Functions Tab





Change or update calculation schema.

Material valuation

Change or update valuation. Use the "replacement" icon clip0001.

to read in prices new. All further settings are considered as Material valuation 2.


See Precalculation – Material – Purchase price


Note: Beas only supports price list with numbers 1–99.
Price lists with internal id > 99 are not supported.

Material valuation 2

Second valuation method in case the first one does not return a price. If there is still no price determined, the row is marked red and a warning message is issued. See Configuration wizard – Precalculation beas9.0-000-003-010


If the Configuration Wizard – Master Data – Item – Variant per item is disabled and below this setting under "Variant" a calculation schema or alternative pricing is stored, then changing the variant in the calculation, the calculation schema and valuation may also be changed.

Scrap (Item)

There you can change the scrap for all items.

Automatically calculate

If this option is disabled, no automatic calculation will be performed when something is changed in the calculation. In this case, the re-calculation can be started manually. (Tab Edit > button Calculate)

Hide calculation schema

If this check box is selected, the calculation schema is hidden.

Always determine current material price


If active, the material price and the price for external service are always determined using the current price list. The setting is applied from calculation schema.


Note: The current determination of the prices takes a lot of time. For this reason, the calculation does not start automatically. For this you have to click the button "Calculate" after a change.


youtube Precalculations use actual price


See Calculation schema


Upper Buttons






Imports BOM and routing positions from a simple text file.

Setup of the import file:


Corresponds a CSV format

Column separator:Char 9 (Tab)

Row separator: Char 13+ Char 10 (CrLf)


The columns are independent from the line types. The line type will be defined in the first column. The line type "BOM position" will be used if no line type is stored.



Linetyp = B <char 9> ItemCode  <char 9> Quantity


ItemCode <char 9> Quantity


Routing position
Linetyp = O <char 9> RoutingId <char 9> SetupTime <char 9> WorkingTime


Click to select a text file in following format: Item (Tab) Quantity (linefeed) Item (Tab) Quantity.

(Tab) = Ascii-character "9" (linefeed) = Ascii-character 13 and 10.


Note: BOM items are inserted to the current position. If the cursor is on an assembly, the BOM is inserted to that assembly. If the cursor is on a BOM item, imported items are inserted before that position.


After import, the complete calculation BOM is renumbered and prices are read in again according to the set up pricing.


If an assembly is stored in the import file, the assembly is broken down during import. If an item was not created before it is imported nevertheless.

hmtoggle_plus1Right-Mouse click > second tab.




Material: Create routing

For this a new window will open.

For each material position, multiple operations can be defined.
The existing routings will be removed and the new ones will be inserted after the selection.


Routings and BOM's will be renumbered.

Edit position

Alternatively: Double click on the position number


Hereby you can assign the position number in the structure directly.

These are alpha numeric and do not determine the order. The order can be changed via Drag&Drop.

youtube Precalculation Position Number

hmtoggle_plus1Buttons at the bottom of the window



OK / Update

Update: If change were made in the calculation, the text changes to "update". Clicking on it, everything is completely recalculated and saved - even if the automatic calculation is turned off. Then the text will be reset to "OK"

Exception: if the calculation is called from the item master page, this button is hidden.


Leave the calculation.


Insert New Object - depending on the current position.
In the surcharge area an object can only be inserted if it was enabled by the current calculation schema.If the first row selected, this button has no function.


See above: Edit tab – delete.

Open entry

Open the current entry for editing.

Select the first line for editing details.


Full text search over the entire calculation.


Opens the inventory history for the selected item.

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