
Administration > Add-ons > Add-on manager (Beas) > Customer-specific Adaptation > Distribution

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Distribution is only necessary, if no central folder for customizations was set up. see setup folder for customizations


If you do not have a central project folder, the following rule applies:


All development work is stored locally in the directory %programdata%\beas\project\[name]


Once completed, the contents of this directory are copied manually to the server:


Finally, via Extra / Add-on Management / Development / Customer-Specification "Force client update" the clients are instructed to perform an update.



For the clients, the directory \\[servername]\b1_shr must be specified as the program server directory.

This is done either during the client installation or

a) Beas without starting SAP Business One

b) In the login window "Option" under "Program server"

The download is only performed when the application is restarted.


see setup folder for customizations




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