Installing a Beas update

Installation Instructions > Installing a Beas Update

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Before you install a new version on the customer system, you have to test all customizations, reports and main processes with the new Beas version with a copy of customer database  together with the new SAP Version, which you need to install on a parallel test machine.


If you only want to update Beas, no test machine is necessary.

hmtoggle_plus1Test new Beas version in the customer live machine.

It is possible to install different Beas version on one machine.

1.Create a copy of the customer database on your test machine.
2.Rename the c:\program folders\beas software\beas folder

to c:\program folders\beas software\backup folder.

3.Change the server directory to a temporary local directoy, for example C:\BEASTEMP\xxx


4.Install the new Beas version with the installation file on your local computer.
5.Rename the c:\program folders\beas software\beas  folder

to the c:\program folders\beas software\newversion folder

and  the c:\program folders\beas software\backup back to

c:\program folders\beas software\beas

Now you have 2 installations:

Standard: The current version.
In the "newversion" folder: the new version is installed.

Start beas.exe from the "newversion" folder and connect to the copy of database. Important: Not to the live database.

After database upgrade you can check the new version.


Update process

Beas is updated in the same way as it is installed.

The Beas installer browses the directory and only installs the files that have changed.


Every time the client is launched, it checks whether a new version is available.


Before upgrading or updating:

1. Read the Patch information

2. Check the hardware requirements.

3. Test the new version with its database on a test system.



If you have customization inside the installation, test it on a test system before installing the version on a live system.

Check compatibility list.



1. Download installation file.

2. Start installation file.

3. Follow the instructions.



Server management – service


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