
Terminal and WEB APP > Terminal > Material management apps > Invent.History

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Available with Issue, Receipt, Allocation for production, Pick and pack, Stock information license.

Clicking on this app, a filtering window opens where you can select an item for viewing its inventory history.



The inventory history can be accessed from almost any location where items are shown.

For example:


PATH: Inventory > Item structure > Select an item > right-click > Invent.history



Bin Location inventory

By Warehouse No.

By Bin Location

By Batch

By Serial


Reservation list


Configuration of Inventory history




1 Current report on stock and reservations without forecasts or breakdown of customer orders.

Not related to computation displayed in area 5, the current status is displayed.

2 Current stock – for batches and serial number in a structure view.
Note: this area is not printed out if you print the view.

3 Total of inflow and outflow without consideration of transactions.

4 Notes on MRP scenario in area 5

Note: MRP results with Item versions are not displayed in this area.

5 MRP scenario: (planning view) Result of last MRP run, which has been defined as standard MRP run.

Important: It shows the moment of the calculation. Following the rules, which have been defined in MRP wizard, customer orders are broken down, forecasts are taken into account and other parameters have effect. The result has nothing to do with the current stock and status displayed in the upper area (1).

View the upper area for current actual stock.


hmtoggle_plus1Field description current report of stock and reservations (1)

All Quantities in Inventory UoM



Warehouse stock

Inventory across ALL storage locations except blocked storage locations.

Thereof reserved

Reserved goods of type "warehouse reservation" (Beas reservation system)

Blocked stock

Total inventory of blocked batches or in blocked warehouses.

If MRP wizard in stored Standard MRP run it was set up, that blocked batches are available, these will not be displayed here. If the option is disabled, blocked batches are displayed as usual blocked stock.

Sales order

Planned issue for customer orders and reserve invoices. Determined by SAP Business One OITM.committed

Thereof reserved

Reserved quantity for customer orders.

Goods issue for Production

Planned quantity as per BOM,

minus already posted quantity

plus canceled quantity.

Only work orders are considered which are visible, not completed and not blocked. Planned work orders are not considered.

Note on post calculation:


As reference serves the Total Quantity BEAS_FTSTL.TOTALQUANTITY_WHSUNIT less all already performed issues and receipts.

For computation the SQL Procedure beas_invhistory is used.

Blocked work orders BEAS_FTHAUPT.SPERRUNG<>'J' are considered if they are planned orders BEAS_FTHAUPT.PLANNINGORDER=1

Planned quantity as per BOM, less already posted quantity plus canceled quantity. Only work orders are considered which are visible, not completed and not blocked. Planned work orders are not considered.

Negative planned quantities are ignored. These are part of "goods receipt from production".


If position is not closed and you post out more quantity than planned, it  produces a negative quantity.

Example: Planned: 10, Post out 15 = -5

Goods receipt from production

Summary of planned receipt from production minus already posted and manually reported quantities plus canceled postings.

This is the sum of Production Positions and Bill of material positions with negative quantity.

Only work orders are considered which are visible, not completed and not blocked. Planned work orders are not considered.


If position is not closed and you post in more quantity than planned, it  produces a negative quantity.

Example: Planned: 10, Post in 15 = -5

Goods receipt from PO

Planned receipt from purchase orders, determined by SAP Business One (Field "ordered". Use the MRP wizard to configure whether unreleased orders should be considered.


Warehouse stock less reservations plus planned receipt.






Open printer selection to print the current view.
Note: stock report (middle part) is not printed.

Journal of entries

Open Journal of entries.

Document open

Open the assigned document, which was marked in the lower list.

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