Definition of fields

Introduction > Beas user interface > Window control > Templates > Template Administration > Edit templates > Definition of fields

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An additional field for a template is defined here. This is done on SQL level. Return must always be of type varchar, max. Length: 50 characters

All other data types must be converted to varchar, Example: via cast(<sql-feldname> as varchar(50))


This SQL fragment is inserted into the existing SQL statement which is executed in this list by Beas.

If this value is located in another table, use a sub-select statement:

(select max(1) t1."MyDescription" from "U_MyTable" t1 where t1."ItemCode"="OITM"."ItemCode")






SQL-fragment or Sub-Select-Statement



Item list: display image (the second of the stored images)



Aligment (left, right, centered)


Output format


Formatting as Bitmap is possible, as well as the display of images stored in SAP B1 (Format: SAP B1 Bitmap)

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