Maintenance orders tab

Inventory > Tool Administration > Edit tools > Maintenance tab

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Maintenance information can be stored here if you do not use the maintenance module.

If this has to be activated, the following customer specific Script has to be stored: setvar=as_oldMaintenance=1




Last Maintenance

Date of last maintenance. Required for analysis.

maintenance (per uom)

Maintenance interval according to corresponding units of quantity or time, which are defined in the Costs tab. Required for maintenance analysis.

Maintenance counter status

The maintenance analysis relates to reported quantities (yield and scrap).  If the quantity  has not been reported or the counter was not set to 0 at begin of the registration, the counter can be increased manually. The current counter status is displayed by pressing the button "counter status".

Current counter status

Put in the current counter status for a defined date. Manual input field, only for information purpose.

Last determined at

Date of determination of current counter status.


Text information on tool status.


Maintenance information (text field).



Button counter status: Displays counter status and maintenance information.





Name of tool.


Description of tool.

Maintenance max

Information from tool: maintenance interval (per x uom).

Last maintenance

Information from tool: last maintenance.

Reported quantity

quantity reported via time receipt since the last maintenance.


Information from "maintenance counter status".



If "reported quantity" + "manually" is greater than "maintenance max" the line is presented in red.

With "Search / New Search", the filter set for tools can be removed, an overview on all tools is presented.




Only requirement: Show only tools with overdue maintenance.

With message: Show only tools with a time receipt.


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