Edit project template

Administration > Setup > Project > Project template > Edit project template

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PATH: Administration > Setup > Project > Project template > Open / Add.



Window prjtemplate_edit.psr


Project template tab




Creating a project template an ID needs to be assigned which cannot be changed subsequently.


Enter a description for this template.

Work order

Creating a project in the background a work order is created which will be used for booking project related times.

Work order item

The header item of the work order, it may not be a storage related item.

Work order type

A production type needs to be defined and assigned to the work order. In this Production type it ins mandatory to activate the switch Project order. It is recommended, to create a separate work order type for this purpose. This makes easier to differentiate this order from other normal work orders such as storage related or sales order related work orders.

Attachments folder

Project related documents can be stored in this folder.

View Zoom

Zoom factor in %.


Tasks tab

Various tasks are assigned here to the project template. It is recommended, to define the tasks before in the task catalog.




Open the marked task for editing.


Close the current window without saving changes.


Create a new task.


Delete the selected task from the template list.


back to Project templates

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?prjtemplate_edit.htm