Edit project cost types

Administration > Setup > Project > Project cost elements > Edit project cost elements

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PATH: Administration > Setup > Project > Project cost types > Open / Add button.

In this window you can edit cost types for a project.



Window prj_costtype_edit.psr




Cost element

ID or short description of project cost element.


Detailed description of cost element .

flags: Purchase order / Delivery / Invoice

If more than one document is selected, the documents will be balanced against each other

Example: Flags are set for purchase and for invoice. A purchase order of 1000 EUR is created from a task, 1000 EUR are charged to the budget. After receiving the payment, the  invoice is booked. The invoice amount is not 1000 EUR but 1100 EUR. Then, the budget will be charged another 100 EUR – in sum 1100 EUR.

Order times

If active, order times related to project tasks are charged to the budget. By selecting a cost element right to this field the reported order times can be linked to the selected Cost element.

External costs

Use this flag to define a project cost element for charging external costs (eg. accommodation).
Therefore, in the task (See task catalog) the operation type "costs" needs to be selected. Then, the Project order is set up accordingly.

A cost center can be entered right to it to book the costs there.

External operation
Purchase order / Delivery / Invoice

If more than one document is selected, the documents will be balanced against each other

Example: for purchase and for invoice flags are set. From a work order assigned to a project, an external operation is created with a purchase of external service about 1000 EUR. As result, 1000 EUR are charged to the budget. After receiving the payment, the invoice is booked. The invoice amount is not 1000 EUR but 1100 EUR. Then, the budget will be charged with another 100 EUR - in sum 1100 EUR.


If active, a project cost type can be created in which issued material (via work orders) will be charged to the  budget. If necessary, an account can be defined (next row).


Account for issues of the cost element "issues".


Select a bitmap for the project cost element to be displayed in lists.


Select a color for the project cost element to be displayed in lists.


back to Project cost elements

Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?prj_costtype_edit.htm