
Production > Product Configurator > Product configurator definition > Create a new configuration > Price

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In this tab you can provide price-related settings for the configuration.


PATH: Production > Product Configurator > Product Configurator Definition > double-click Header


Window artikel_produktkonfigurator_global.psr




Use prices

Check box that indicates to Beas that teh prices need to be generated. In the product configuration prices are used and displayed in the configuration structure. When this option is checked,other fields in the tab appear.

Use BP price list


This field is used generate prices based on the price list from the business partner defined in SAP. By enabling this field, Beas displays the field Use BP Total Discount, otherwise the field Default Price List is displayed.


Prices can be chosen:

(from sales order or quotation)

- agreements

- special price list

- customer price list


If no price is defined, the default price list is used.



-Multi currency price list
-Period Discount
-Volume Discount
-Customer Price List, Special Price List


The date for Period discount is the delivery date from Sales Order or Quotation

No support of unit groups


The configurator does not support the global discount from the customer, because SAP inserts this discount in the Quotation or Sales Order at the end for the total sum.



For more information see Parameteter – Tab Price



Use total BP discount

The defined total discount from business partner master data is included in the calculation.

Only available if Use BP price list is enabled.

Default Price list


Select a price list as a default to calculate prices. If the field is empty, with no price list, Beas calculates the price regardless of a price list linked to a business partner.



-Multi currency price list
-Period Discount
-Volume Discount


The date for period discount is the delivery date from the Sales Order or Quotation.

For more information see Parameteter – Tab Price.


Main currency

Define the currency to be used. This can be the defined main or system currency.



Take over price to SAP Business One

hmtoggle_plus1        After finishing the configuration, the determined price of the current variant is transferred to the SAP Business One form.


This filed enables Beas to calculate the price with the product configurator functionality and then transfer the calculated price into the sales document from SAP Business One.


By enabling this field, the user creates a sales order. In the sales order the item to be configured is included. After the configuration is finished, the price calculated by the product configurator is transferred to the sales order.





No action

Field Price

Write the calculated price into the sales document "Unit price" field.



This field must be visible and editable.

Beas does not write the currency.

beas 9.3 PL 3


Create a script to write the information to the SAP document.


(An additional script in the project folder is needed)

Script-for data transfer

To transfer the price or description from the configurator into the SAP Business One form "Customer order"or "Quotation" a script file is used.

This file needs to be created.


Adjust only red lines in order to ensure a correct function.

The created files need to be stored in beas Project-folder.


Name of the file: "product_configurator.src“. The following structure is required:



//* beas product configurator                *

//*                                          *

//* Interface definitions for return value   *

//*                                          *

//* (c) Boyum IT Solutions GmbH              *



//*** initialization of the interface ***

function pk_init

 // please, do not change this function part !!!!




//*** transfer the TOTAL PRICE from the configurator       ***

//*** into column 14 of actual line (changeable)           ***

//*** to SAP B1 form SALES ORDER or QUOTATION              ***

function write_price

  // the PRICE is in the beas variable "str_parm.c_parm4"




//*** transfer the BRIEF DESCRIPTION from the configurator ***

//*** into column 163 of actual line (changeable)          ***

//*** to SAP B1 form SALES ORDER or QUOTATION              ***

function write_b_descr

  // BRIEF DESCRIPTION is in the beas variable "str_parm.s_parm4"




//*** transfer the DESCRIPTION from the configurator       ***

//*** into column U_item_descr of actual line              ***

//*** (changeable)                                         ***

//*** to SAP B1 form SALES ORDER or QUOTATION              ***

function write_descr

  // the DESCRIPTION is in the beas variable "str_parm.s_parm5"





Explanation of assignments:



<str_parm.c_parm4>   :        Parameter with the current transfer value (in this case the price)

col=14 :        Field 14 (single price) in SAP Business One-form

col=U_item_descr :        UD-Field in SAP Business One-form


(Selection only possible for "use prices")


In beas 9.3 PL02 the following selections are available:


No: No data transfer.

Script: Use the rpovided script (script for data transfer).

Price field: Save this in the <%SBO%> Price field.



Beas inserts this information in field 14.



This field must be visible and editable.

Beas does not write the currency.



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