Logon / Logoff

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Time Recording, Clock In Out



With this app it is possible to monitor attendance and log on / off the Terminal. See basic functions in General Information on WEB APPS Version 2.1.

The app consists of a message field on top and two tabs below it: Status and History.


hmtoggle_plus1  Status tab

Once you provide the employee card number upon logging into the Terminal 2.1, the Employee information linked to the card number is displayed in this app under the Status tab (see image below).


Field Descriptions

Field / Controls


Message field

Dynamic screen section above the two tabs broadening when showing a message. The number of messages is indicated in the right bottom corner (see image in "Arrive: login" section. The "Msg: 1" indicates the number of messages displayed).

When the employee exits the app to start work with the Terminal functions, and returns to this app, this field is blank / not displayed (see image in "Logged in since" field description row below.)


Information field automatically filled at login with card number.

Logged in since:

Date and exact time in mm/dd/yyyy and hh:mm AM/PM format showing the last login time of the employee:


Arrive: Login /
Leave: Logout

Once you tap the "Arrive: login" button, the message "Login successful" is displayed in the message field on the top. The button color turns red and displays "Leave: logout" .



At the end of the shift you can tap the "Leave: logout" button and the "Logged out OK!" message is displayed on the top. The button color turns back to green and displays "Arrive: login" (see image below).


Load status

Tap this button (see image above) to see  status information on the remaining holidays and working hours of the logged in employee:

MicrosoftTeams-image (6)



History tab

The History tab lists the last login times in a chronological order with the most recent on top. Start / End Times and the Duration are indicated for each login in the list.

Start / End times are provided in mm/dd/yyyy and format, and duration is displayed in hh/mm/ss.
It is possible to reverse the chronological order of logins with the Logon_reverse_listbutton in the right side of the "Start Time" column.



Field Descriptions



Start Time

dd/mm/yyyy 0-12h AM/PM format for attendance starting time.

End Time

dd/mm/yyyy 0-12h AM/PM format for logoff time


Time elapsed between start and end time in hours and minutes.


Help URL: https://help.beascloud.com/beas202103/index.html?login_logout.htm